Friday, August 20, 2010

Conservative Party Workers Fraudulently Posing as PMO Staffers, "Elections Centre"?

In a letter to the Chief Electoral Officer, Marc Mayrand, Liberal MP Marlene Jennings asks him to look into allegations of the Conservative party soliciting donations from Conservative party members from the PMO. This would be in contravention of Section 92.1 of the Elections Canada Act that "requires that a donation in-kind to be declared to Elections Canada whenever an organization allows a political party to use its facilities to raise funds" if no such donation in kind was made. If the calls were in fact coming from party headquarters, that would constitute fraud.

Jennings goes on to bring Mayrand's attention to allegations she has received claiming that Conservative party workers have been making phone calls posing as a fictitious "Elections Centre" with the aim to gather information on voters. It would appear that if this is the case the Conservative Party is using the similarity between "Elections Centre" and "Elections Canada" to fraudulently obtain information from Canadians.

If proven true, these are very serious allegations. Marc Mayrand should give them the utmost attention.

Here is the link to the letter from Jennings to Mayrand.
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1 comment:

  1. Im hearing this from your blog before hearing it from the mainstream media. It would not surprise me if the allegations were proven true!


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