Thursday, April 21, 2011

If you want progressive, democratic government, vote Liberal!

The opinion polls have recently shown a significant uptick in NDP support. This would be great news, if it were taking the vote away from Stephen Harper. However, it is actually horrible news, because the support the NDP is gaining is coming in large part at the Liberals expense: witness that the Liberals are going down in any poll in which the NDP is going up. If this worrying trend continues, vote splitting would most likely increase the Conservative seat total at the end of this election (I am aware the EKOS poll predicts the opposite of this. But this poll also claims the NDP will gain 13 seats in Quebec. Call me cynical, but I find that very hard to believe. Everything is possible though). This vote splitting could be the factor that tips us into the abyss known as Conservative majority government.

We cannot afford a majority Conservative government. A majority Conservative government will face none of the fetters they have faced in minority government. Freed at last, they will ride roughshod over Canadian democracy. If you thought they were in contempt of Parliament now, think again. This will be nothing compared to when the Conservatives know they will never need to face the House finding them in contempt. Indeed, if a Conservative majority is elected, expect more untendered contracts, prisons to combat a rise in "unreported" crime, and refusal to hand over important documents that Parliament has the right to examine. In other words, a Conservative majority in Ottawa equals less democracy in Ottawa than even now.

Furthermore, if the Conservatives obtain a majority thanks to the NDP's vote splitting, they will continue their ill-advised policies that will negatively effect Canada. For instance, they will increase tax cuts to corporations instead of helping the poor and lower middle classes, contributing to the continual rise in income inequality in this country. They will continue to avoid getting tough on greenhouse gas emissions and the environment. They will continue their policy of building prisons that the facts say should not be needed (since the crime rates are going down). They will not address the rise in tuition costs to students. They will not offer publicly funded childcare. The list goes on and on.

The only surefire option to stop this is to give most of the seats to a party other than the Conservatives. This cannot be the Greens or the Bloc. The choice must be between the NDP or the Liberals. Apart from the EKOS poll, the polls still put the Liberals ahead of the NDP. Therefore, the sensible option would be for NDPers to vote Liberal, rather than vote NDP. After all, Layton himself said only this week that the Liberal and NDP platforms are pretty similar. There should be no ideological problem preventing NDP supporters from casting a ballot for the Liberals. Voting for a cancellation of wasteful tax cuts, for cap and trade, for a learning passport, for assistance to seniors and for childcare are all right up the NDP alley.

Therefore, if an NDP supporter wants to definitely stop Harper, and elect a democratic, progressive government, they need look no further than the Liberals. A vote for the NDP is a vote wasted, unless of course the Liberals have no chance at all in a particular riding.

The Liberals are still the second place party. They are the best chance to kick Harper out. The NDP should want to kick Harper out. Their best chance to do so must therefore be to vote Liberal.
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  1. The Liberals are on their way down, the NDP on their way up. Michael Ignatieff would have supported the invasion of Iraq and he supported many corporate tax cuts with Stephen Harper.

    I'm not an NDPer, but we have to get rid of the old school way of thinking in this country.

  2. This post is spot on. Under normal circumstances, I would not have a problem with the voting for the NDP. However, this is not the election for it. We have to get rid of Harper and severely limit the number of seats for the Cons. Otherwise this country is toast. We know Harper is lying about what his agenda is and a majority would be a complete disaster. As a senior on a limitied income, I am particularly horrified at the prospect of no medicare and who-knows-what happening to my pension. Vote Liberal this election, and NDP in the next.

  3. One more time: if you live in a riding that the NDP currently hold, then the likely way to stop a CPC majority is to vote NDP. If you live in a riding that the Conservatives currently hold and where the NDP is the stronger challenger, then the likely way to stop a CPC majority is to vote NDP.

    If you're going to advise people to vote strategically, at least do it properly.

  4. I don't get how the Liberals still think they can play the strategic voting card when the NDP are ahead. You want to stop Harper? If that is the only reason you are voting then vote NDP because NDP voters are voting for so much more then that. We aren't switching our votes to Liberal so you can come on over we welcome you with open arms. There is more to this election for us then just stopping Harper. So much more.

  5. I sense this sad Liberal entitlement again. Only the Libs should govern..blah blah.

    The Libs are trailing the NDP(tied in Mar.) everywhere but Ontario.

    The NDP should want to become the official opposition. It would be a gamechanger for the party moving forward.

    A strong national gov't with representaion coast to coast is only possible with the Conservatives.

  6. “After all, Layton himself said only this week that the Liberal and NDP platforms are pretty similar. There should be no ideological problem preventing NDP supporters from casting a ballot for the Liberals. Voting for a cancellation of wasteful tax cuts, for cap and trade, for a learning passport, for assistance to seniors and for childcare are all right up the NDP alley”

    I say: “There should be no ideological problem preventing LIEberals supporters from casting a ballot for the NDP.”

    If there is no difference, why do the LIEberals have to be first place? Your main goal is to get rid of Harper – yet under LIEberal leadership only. It is bad enough that the LIEberals are rejected by a majority of Canadian [about 70%], yet to be defeated by your partner of the coalition is unthinkable. Are you afraid the NDP will not appoint any LIEberals? You should be rejoicing, these are seats that the Cons do not get.

    “Therefore, if an NDP supporter wants to definitely stop Harper, and elect a democratic, progressive government, they need look no further than the Liberals.”

    The problem is, that the LIEberals are NOT democratic – Iffy was appointed and not elected leader by the grass root LIEberals like you. At least Jack was elected leader by a NDP vote. Not only would he be not elected by the grass roots, he will rule Canada by not even getting votes comparable to the Cons. I believe Iffy when he says that he … is “democratic from the bottom of his feet to the top of his toes.” The only type of Democratic he sees himself is the type in the USA – and this is Canada, we do not have a “Democratic” party. For yeasrs the LIEberals said that the cons and Bush were the same, yet you fail to let Canadians know that it was Iffy who Bush wanted advice from before invading Iraq – go figure.

    “For instance, they will increase tax cuts to corporations ….”

    You seem to forget that the LIEberals supported this by voting to pass this legislation, This is another reason for calling LIEberals liars … you will break your promises as fast as in the past with the Red Book – in which only one or two at the most have passed – I think it is zero, but will give the benefit of the doubt. LIEberals will increase the Grits Support Tax [GST] back to 7% and enact Cap and Trade – which will make the Green Shaft plan of DeYawn seem less greedy. They even want to tax iPods, and everything that moves.

    “… instead of helping the poor and lower middle classes, contributing to the continual rise in income inequality in this country.”

    If you actually read the budget, these are addressed by the Cons – but do not let the facts get in your way.

    “They will continue to avoid getting tough on greenhouse gas emissions and the environment.”

    And under the LIEberal government the carbon gases rose higher because the LIEberals did absolutely nothing to fight it. They were in power for about 13 years, and did nothing but lip service.

    “The Liberals are still the second place party. They are the best chance to kick Harper out. The NDP should want to kick Harper out. Their best chance to do so must therefore be to vote Liberal.”

    They might not be second place for long, and you should be happy, for when the NDP gain, so does your precious coalition. Party loyalty is strong with the NDP, do you honestly think they would vote LIEberal if they have the chance to win more seats? I do not think so.

    Marc, I like your loyalty, and perhaps the next election you will run under the LIEberal banner. I think when you stop living in a dream world run by the LIEberals, and face reality, you will be a good politician. Just remember, if you make a promise, make sure you will keep it – unlike the Red Book promises that are not kept. Remember there are two tax payers; corporations and you.

  7. Another essential reason why it is so important for everyone to "get out the vote". The politicians don't run the country we do! If a majority, and I mean a 'real majority', not some majority of a minority, want a coalition or even an NDP or a Liberal government then fine! At least let it be because the majority of Canadians actually voted!

    Our history and our confusing political dynamic is not so difficult to understand. The minority has been the power in this nation, for ever it seems! Held to ransom by a separatist motif in Quebec. I hope the change is coming, from the seniors and the young in particular, and that Canada's uniqueness as a nation will once again be verified.

    We don't need to emulate American values. We have our own, and Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff appear to have forgotten that. That is why Layton has surged! What other option is, there for real Canadians...... the Bloc Quebecois? Get out and vote whatever your party affiliation!

  8. Some have noted that in ridings where the NDP is the stronger challenger, one should vote NDP. I completely agree. However, wherever there is ambiguity as to whether the Liberals or the NDP are second in a riding, I would urge voters to vote Liberal, as they are still marginally ahead of the NDP and therefore marginally closer to forming government.

    However, that may change in the next few days. If the NDP is second in the opinion polls on May 1, Liberal voters might have to bite the bullet and vote NDP.

    The LIEberal thing is getting old. The Liberals lied 7 years ago. Eventually, you have to move on. The party leader is different, the party president is different. You cannot form political opinions on a party that apply to that party when it contained different leaders.

  9. Watch This You Tube: PM Harper Allows Banks to Abuse Disabled II: The Sequel

    Prime Minister Harper is burying the disabled when he refuses to amend bankruptcy law to give priority for disability insurance provided by employers. This decision forces Canadian disabled employees into poverty when their employers go bankrupt. The Prime Minister listens to the Canadian Bankers Association, which has done no research on unsafe disability insurance.

    Canadians with diseases like Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer, Brain Injury and Mental Illness are the victims of bank abuse.

  10. I don't know. The LIEberals are still lying - promised no coalition, then now promises one, among other lies. This name is still up-to-date as far as I can see. I know it bothers you about the truth ... but when they start telling Caanadians the truth, I will change it. Sounds fair to me.

  11. My post to the Globe and mails article today in support of a Harper majority. I hope you will all register your displeasure accordingly.

    3:11 PM on April 28, 2011
    I am amazed and alarmed that the globe posits that a Harper majority would be in the best interests of Canada? Their reasoning is seemingly based upon their past record. They apparently missed out on the reality that this 'record of success' was achieved "while in a minority position." and subject to the reasonable restraints from the other equally representative voices, across the floor of parliament.

    That (minority) dynamic is a hell of a lot different, than a conservative majority being allowed to ride roughshod over the nation. Implementing rigid right wing ideologies, with little regard for the regional factors that come into play all across our nation. A 'one rule for all' administration that will no doubt echo and mirror the excesses of the right side of the American dynamic, currently being witnessed on a larger scale south of the border!

    I urge Canadians to waken up to the Global realities of nationhood and to see that the narrow minded policies of a Harper ideology, will only effectively marginalize Canada and present her to the world as nothing more than a satellite of an almost economically defunct United states!

    A nation that simply echos those similar American right wing ideological treacheries as are being currently deployed against their working middle classes. Union busting and entitlement eradication, privatized healthcare and industrial hegemony and the elimination of the over ruling importance of the individual, and their rights as the exclusive primary object of nationhood!

  12. The fact remains that the strategic vote now is the NDP.

    But, yes, the con-servatives in power led by the very American style christian, Stevie Harper, will prove a tragedy for Canada. He's already paving the way for con-servatives to remain in power and you can bet your bottom dollar that the subsidy-per-vote program being outed is only the beginning.

    Next, I'm sure he will move to allow corporate dollars to rise exponentially while Labour Unions will be left out and will be on the chopping block.

    Our healthcare system will be privatized and all hell will break loose in our country. Stephen Harper is well on his way to becoming the Benedict Arnold of Canada.

    Watch out as he works to make us the 51st state of the USA.

    From a speech to the Council for National Policy, a conservative American lobby group, June 1997, as reported by the CBC............ Please note: All statements (*), made by Stephen Harper!

    *[Y]our country, and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country and across the world.
    ----Really Steve! That's just too ignorant even for you.

    *It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians.
    -----Ah, for the love of Canada, Stevie. This seems a somewhat treacherous statement don't you think. A Canadian wearing the Stars and Stripes!


  13. Well, I hope you come back and at least make a new post. I think you should start accepting that LIEberals are not influncial to Canadians until your party starts to make policies reflecting real issues.

    Canadiand have spoken and 0ver 80% did not support LIEberal policies. I suggest, as a grass root member, you start to rebuild. This is what happened to the Cons, and now they are in power ... they merged with the Reform Party ... and took the best from both parties. Sure they are going to make mistakes, and have already have, YET they are in power because they listened to grass roots.

    The LIEberals still do not want to listen to you, your only hope is to get somebody to state they will not listen to the "Old Guard" but to people like you [the grass roots of the LIEberals.]

    Time to stop licking your wounds, get off your feet, admit defeat and start rebuilding the LIEberal party ... and then you can earn the party name of "Liberal Party of Canada."

    PS Why is Biffy still on LIBLOGS.CA along with real PM's? [And why is Paul Martain not there - at least he was PM?] Biffy is responsible for destroying the party? Even DeYawn got his seat back ... Biffy was nothing but a joke to Canadians.

    Now get a real leader - even an unknown like you would be better than anybody from the "Old Guard."

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  15. Liberals as the average citizen will think nothing other than how spreading the wealth and giving to people that want things because it's their idea of paradise. Liberals in office want control, and make everyone their peons. They are also as greedy as any other politician, however realistically it's not possible to have a functional society under a liberal agenda.

    The way that everything works cannot work when it comes down to liberalism. Democracy fails to exist in just about any country, so please don't use that word in politics when it doesn't and will never happen.

    While liberals may use words like "progressive" and "democratic" it's more or less "digressive" and "socialistic" when it comes down to it. There's only so much money that can be spread around and when it has run dry, it is gone. Every state in the US that has tried to be liberal ended up on the verge of bankruptcy, and counties are the very same. It also discourages people from working or becoming rich if that money will be taken away. We can all be equal as individuals but class should be what we work for.

    I have lived in Canada, Japan and the US. While Japan is amazing, I couldn't stand the politics over there and right now they are having a hissy fit over it as well. I was born and raised in Canada and I can attest that all the teachers except for one, would talk about how great democrats are and it makes sense to why there are so many brainwashed individuals that look the other way when logic and numbers are thrown at them. Obviously capitalism => money => greed => evil and socialism => regulations => everyone's equal right?

    Sorry to say but there are a lot of stupid people that cannot do more than work at McDonalds, that's fine. At least they work right? However, they should not be entitled to more, just because they are too stupid to do otherwise. I'm not talking about the mentally disabled, they do require social aid (even though that system is broken and it's entirely possible to cheat this system).

    My point to all of this is that even though there are a few choices to make when voting in politicians, it's important to keep an open mind about different point of views. I understand full-well why liberals vote liberal, however if they would give me time to explain the wonders of economics and politics... Heck even some history would be a great inclusion, they would understand that just because you're not liberal, it doesn't mean you're gay hating, god loving, greedy money monger.

    If you're going to take this response seriously into consideration to your point of views, I thank you. Born and raised in Canada for 18-years, lived in Japan for 5, and in USA for 7. I've lived in 3 different states, two liberals and one republican. I'm transgender m2f and agnostic. I guess you can say I beat the odds with the stereotypes about conservatives lol

  16. 123 bingo

    Judi Online TerpercayaI don't get how the Liberals still think they can play the strategic voting card when the NDP are ahead. You want to stop Harper? If that is the only reason you are voting then vote NDP because NDP voters are voting for so much more then that. We aren't switching our votes to Liberal so you can come on over we welcome you with open arms. There is more to this election for us then just stopping Harper. So much more.

  17. 123 bingo

    Judi Online TerpercayaI don't get how the Liberals still think they can play the strategic voting card when the NDP are ahead. You want to stop Harper? If that is the only reason you are voting then vote NDP because NDP voters are voting for so much more then that. We aren't switching our votes to Liberal so you can come on over we welcome you with open arms. There is more to this election for us then just stopping Harper. So much more.

  18. 123 bingo

    Judi Online TerpercayaI don't get how the Liberals still think they can play the strategic voting card when the NDP are ahead. You want to stop Harper? If that is the only reason you are voting then vote NDP because NDP voters are voting for so much more then that. We aren't switching our votes to Liberal so you can come on over we welcome you with open arms. There is more to this election for us then just stopping Harper. So much more.

  19. We really should vote for the right leader! And that is what matters most...

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